Business Field

Total support from finding raw materials to commercializing products.


We suggest a variety of raw materials, processing methods, and packaging forms. We provide the information you require as well as the product you are satisfied with. All of our salespersons totally support you, not only by proposing solutions, but also by helping with marketing or developing products.

We supply 150 items from 40 suppliers based in 30 countries around the world. In order to meet our customers' various needs we have a wide variety of supply sources. In order to provide high-quality products we stably procure high-quality raw materials. In addition, through gathering real-time information we do our best to be cost competitive.



We develop unique products in our own labs, based on our long experience. Diversification of the market leads to demand for new technology, while there is also a tendency for commodity cycles to shorten. This situation makes product development much tougher and, with this in mind, we are ready to help our customers with their product development. We provide not only raw materials, but also solutions to their product development-related issues and as a way of realizing their requests. Moreover, we analyze relevant market trends and propose ideas which can lead to the development of their next product.

We manage production from various perspectives, such as the manufacturing method to be used, product quality, cost, and efficiency.In order to provide a product that meets the needs of our customers, we have trained ourselves. The culmination of our long-term efforts has been to develop our own technology. This technology enables us to daily produce high-quality products.


Quality control

Making use of our abundant data and know-how which has been accumulated over 50 years, we can make customers feel safe and secure.It is our mission to provide and guarantee safe and secure products. The level of technology and quality management in manufacturing are the most important factors for product quality. For every process in manufacturing and distribution, from farm to table, we have implemented strict operational standards for both software and hardware. We comply without fail with these standards in order to provide high-quality products.